Tuesday, January 1, 2008

But somehow it's just not that easy...

I am sitting here, awake, at 11:30 with little hope of falling asleep. I tried taking some cold medicine to help with my post-nasal drip, but it wired me. The kids went down nicely tonight, which means they will be up early tomorrow. What are you gonna do, right? I will get up in the morning and do what needs to be done. Declan really wants to play some of the new games they got for Christmas, and the girls still have a few toys they want put together from Christmas. I need to go to the doctor tomorrow or Thursday, but other than that I don't need to leave the house. We have lots of leftovers for lunch and everything we need for dinner, so no need to go into a store, that makes me happy.

I want to spend a bit of time with Killi tomorrow working on some letters and I'd love a nap(haha). Declan needs to read a few books and write a story about what he got for Christmas. Hopefully I will get a book or two in with Maggie, then I will be happy. If I can get sometime on the treadmill I will really be on my way!

On another note, I am very much enjoying learning about Taoism. I am finding that the philosophy is really the way I'd like to live my life. Inner peace. Solace. Being one with nature. I am going to work on that this year.

blog title: Wilson Philips; Hold On

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