Monday, January 21, 2008

Babe lets get packed..tank tops and flip flops if u got them...

It is so cold, 7 degrees outside. My heat is struggling to keep my house warm. I really do not like the cold, and this is way too cold! I don't want to leave the house it is so cold. I really do not know how people live in Siberia or even Alaska. I have a new found respect for the fishermen on The Deadliest Catch, they go out for crab in the middle of January in the freezing cold. Wet,windy, freezing cold. I feel like I should eat crab everyday to make their job worth it:) It has only been cold for two days here and all I can do is complain about the cold, a whole three months of this, I might die! Thank goodness it will be 50 degrees here by the end of the week:)

We told the kids we might go to the movies today and I need to go see Dr.Tom (the new love of my life!), but I am not sure I can do it. The cold may win out over my new love, and I will stay here for another day with a fire.

blog title: Kenny Chesney; No Shoes, No Shirt, No Problem

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