Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Little Things...

Another day lived. I have been really trying lately to remember how lucky I am each and every day. I am learning to take joy in the little things that I found annoying or took for granted, I now view them as gifts. For example, the opportunity to read "A Fly Went By" for the sixth time in a row to my almost 3 year old I now see as stolen moments together instead of a chore. Hopping out of the car to give Killi an extra kiss on her way into school a treasure. Sneaking into Declan's room when he is supposed to be sleeping, just to say "I Love You" one last day that day a blessing. With three kids ages 3 to 6, I sometimes get caught up in all that NEEDS to get done and forget to live and enjoy life. I have been doing alot better the past few months and I have been happier and more at peace in my life than ever before. I still have days when I am a mean and grouchy mom, wife, friend, sister, daughter and student, but I am trying and I do my best. My life is good and I am thankful for all I have. Peacefulness is a wonderful feeling:)


Tribe Mama said...

Share some of that over here!!

I know what you mean, it is killing me that I am so stressed and that I overlook those sweet moments. I am trying as well, maybe after this stupid trip I will see past the end of my own nose :)

Today with Gray at the lab was one that made me realize how lucky I am to have him. Even though he was crying, he pressed his little face up to my cheek and told me he loved me. So sad and sweet all at once.

Megan said...

I hope this works for you as I have suffered for 30 years having such a mean sister! Remember this post when you chrismas shop for me next year! :)