Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Do you ever find that you think you want to be friends with someone, and after you do you decide you don't really like them so much? Well, I do, and I do it often. I have a few very close friends and a mother and sister that I spend alot of time with and/or talking to so, I do not have much time for more friends. I say this not because I am trying to be a bitch, but because I invest a great deal into my friendships and can only juggle a few. That said, I have a huge number of acquaintances, all of whom I really like, but should not try to be friends with. Every few months or so I think I will try to make "friends" with one of these people and it is never good. I think it is always a case of the "grass being greener" and then I see that these people have the same baggage as the friends I have and feel I have no time for, so why am I adding a new one. Maybe this is the wrong approach, but for me, I am going to keep the friends I have and try to remember to keep my acquaintances as just that:)


Megan said...

Yeah I'm not sure why you always think you want new friends haven't you learned I'm the only one you need:)

Tribe Mama said...

OK, so I keep saying that the circle must stay small. Plus, I couldn't bear to lose any more of your attention, Megan already gets too much...hahaha, just kidding :)

A Jersey Girl said...

Well, you know how needy Megan is:)