Monday, March 17, 2008

It's Monday, Again... and So Soon...

Normally this is about when I would begin complaining that my little monsters are STILL sick and STILL running fevers, however since starting to read Nate's blog, I just cannot justify it to myself to complain,as he never does. I know that they are not feeling well and the none of us are sleeping well, but I also know that in time(a week or two) things will be back to normal, and they will be fine. I will be happy to sleep again and happy to not have to check for fevers in the middle of the night, we will all be fine. The issues I am facing with the kids are so small and minor compared to so many others. I hope to never live through anything more serious than this flu. I know as kids are kids, and I have three, I may get a broken bone or two, lots more colds and flus and a few other bumps along the way, but so far things have been okay for me. We had a few hiccups along the way with Declan and Killi as infants, but both are fine and no one would ever know(except for Declan's scar on his belly that he is happy to show everyone:) I hate that I sometimes forget how lucky I am and how good my life is. I wish I found it easier to put my life in true perspective. All I can do is keep bringing myself back there and start again. So, I am here, and my life is good!(minus the laundry piling up, dishes in the sink, whining kids, unmade beds, only kidding:)

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