Sunday, July 6, 2008

The Weekends Over:(

Well, my brother and his crew are gone. We had a very nice visit, I even shared some of the "good beef" to take home with them. This afternoon Husband and Skippy took the kids to the movies so I was able to get my homework done and Kelly got a much deserved nap.

Tomorrow will start our week again full of errands and packing for the monsters and me to head to Florida for a few days. It's funny, every spring I swear I am staying in town ALL summer, it never happens. I am always gone more than I am here. It is fun though and I am excited to see Queenie, she is growing so fast, and we won't see her again until Thanksgiving, and who knows when after that, with two kids in "real" school this year, I will not be traveling so much:) See, that is why I am always traveling in the summer, I am trapped for 9 months of the year!

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