Monday, July 28, 2008

First Day Of Swimming and The GAP

All three of the monsters made it to swimming. Maggie cried abit, but by the time I got back to pick her up she was happy and smiley and ready to go back tomorrow. Declan was happy, both his teachers are boys(a first for him:)and Killi had Declan's teacher from last year, who was great& she even remembered Declan from last year:)

I did not get to the beach as the sun was hiding behind the fog all morning, and the kids came home starving and too tired to go to the beach. Maybe tomorrow will be nicer. So, they had lunch(which Pop-Pop made while we were picking up the kids)and have been vegging on the couch since they finished lunch. Killi and I ran up to the GAP to look for some school clothes, we don't have one close at home(which is a very good thing:) Killi is hard on clothes and while GAP is expensive, the clothes last forever, so it is worth the extra money to me to have clothes that can be worn and washed a zillion times and still look good.


Tribe Mama said...

Did you find some good stuff??

Sorry for blowing you off online, I was getting yelled at by a faculty member. Fun fun.

A Jersey Girl said...

No big deal, I know how work goes:)

Yes, I found too much good stuff:) I showed Ben the clothes, but not the receipt- so you know it wasn't good. The upside however is that everything fits great, she loves it, and I got to spend some time alone with Killi. All-in-all well worth it!

Megan said...

Killi and Mommy thats nice. Im glad you found clothes for her as her closet was thin!! LOL Im glad to know she will win the award for best dressed, you know her aunt is somewhat of a fashion icon! :)