Friday, May 23, 2008

A Big Day!

Today my son invited me to his classroom to see his award ceremony. As a former kindergarten teacher I knew that EVERYONE was going to receive an award, which was great! Of course being the perfect(STOP LAUGHING:) mother that I am, I told him I wouldn't miss it. The kids had prepared some songs to sing for us, they were very cute, and then it was time for the awards. They had awards for Math, Reading, Handwriting, Drama, Perseverance, Helpfulness and a few other things. To my amazement( and that of the entire family) My Son got the award for Reading!!! Yes, my son(one other girl as received this award) Who'd have thunk it! My baby with a READING AWARD! Husband and I were so very proud of him. This kid went into kindergarten only knowing 7 letters, now he is one of the 2 best readers in his class!!!


1 comment:

Tribe Mama said...

Way to go Declan!!!!!