Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mean People Suck and Most of The Time They Are Ignorant...

I have been using this space more and more to voice MY opinions/concerns about things that are important to ME rather than just the light and fluffiness that fill my days. This is for no other reason than I have a lot going on in my mind right now and need a place to get it out and that was my original intent when I started this blog.

There are many things that I find incredible annoying. Among the most annoying is personal comments about someone else's appearance. People that make personal comments because I think that it shows your ignorance. If the best you can to is call someone "FAT", "UGLY" or "STUPID" for instance that really doesn't make you more than an imbecile. Someones personal appearance has little to do with what type of person they are and I think it is incredibly ignorant to assume because of someone's appearance they "are" something or that what YOU see is what everyone else sees. Sure, it's ok to think that someone is unattractive, but does that not just mean that they are not your type? You know the saying- One person's trash is another's treasure, well, that is how I feel on personal comments on appearance.


Tribe Mama said...

Stupid fat ugly mean people!

Hey wanna come over to help build a boat? Will popsicle sticks work?

Anonymous said...

I think you are just fine the way you are. If you change anything about your appearance I'm sure I'll still feel the same way about you.