Monday, May 5, 2008

Six Reasons I Hate My Husband Today...

1. He yells at me for things I have no control over- i.e. traffic

2. He actually used the phrase "I forbid you to..."

3. He cannot manage to do anything I ask him to at home(still waiting for painting to get done from a year ago and toilet to be fixed)

4. He thinks because he works outside the house he should be able to come home and do nothing to help me- i.e. help get the kids to bed

5. He has forgotten the phrase "Thank You" and when to use it( dinner does not fix or clean-up itself nor do clothes get themselves to and from the cleaners!)

6. He takes credit for things I do all the time and calls it his own!

1 comment:

Tribe Mama said...

I am so with you. Can we add the complaining about having three kids and a house, etc when they don't DO anything with the kids OR the house?