Monday, May 19, 2008

A Long Day

Today was a long day; or yesterday was, since it never ended:) Of course I did not make it any better on myself by trying to play Wonder Woman and failing terribly. I ended up not being a very good mom or wife or friend. I was just too tired. Tomorrow I will have more patience and be more productive. I will stick with one project from start to finish instead of trying to do a hundred at once:) I am going to try and find a way to parent my girls with more understanding and love and less shortness and yelling. I will spend more time enjoying them and less time worrying about other things. Sometimes I need to remind myself how lucky I am to be a mother and wife, and concern myself less with other things. My kids are only little once and I do not want to wake up one day and wonder where the time went. So, tomorrow I will try again:)

After All, How can you not love These Two!!!


Tribe Mama said...

You had a better day than you give yourself credit for. Bad days happen, and if this is your worst, you are doing better than most of us. I agree, how could you not love those two sweet cheeked girls, I know I do!

Megan said...

Now your talking let them do whatever they want!

Anonymous said...

To the owner of this blog, how far youve come?