Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Alright, Alright, Alright! I have played this game long enough. My girls have not slept through the night in a very, very long time and today I have reached my breaking point. They are 3 and 5 and both used to be good sleepers; lately, not so much. Last night they were up from 1 am until 5:45 am and came in to "see" me at least once an hour. By 4:40am, not only were they both up, but they had woken Bumper and Butterball up too. They then decided(Bumper and Butterball) that they needed water and to eat(they were fed before bed:) So, at 4:40am I was changing Maggie's pull-up, getting Killi to the bathroom, and feeding the guinea pigs in hopes that they would all go to sleep for a few more hours. No luck. At 5:45am Ben's alarm went off and the girls were still making noise. Yes, they did go back to sleep and neither wanted to get up this morning. I had no choice but to get them up as I needed to get Declan to school, and boy did I pay for that. Two grumpy, grouchy, tired girls to spend the day with. Best part is that Killi has a 6:45pm soccer game tonight! I am trying to get them to nap, but it doesn't seem to be working. I may cry soon.

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