Saturday, May 31, 2008

The Few. The Proud

Last night Husband took us to see the Evening Parade at the Marine Barracks downtown. It was so awesome. To start, it can never be a bad night when you get to spend it with a few 100 Marines, all in uniform:) The weather was wonderful, warm enough to be outside, but not too hot to be uncomfortable. I really enjoyed the precision with which everything was done. It was amazing to watch so many men walk in perfect unison. And there are not enough words to describe how cool the Silent Drill was. The entire show was incredible and I am so thankful that we live in an area that allows my kids to experience so much history( and mostly for free:)

Here's alittle of what we saw:

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

You Talk Funny...

What American accent do you have?
Your Result: The Northeast

Judging by how you talk you are probably from north Jersey, New York City, Connecticut or Rhode Island. Chances are, if you are from New York City (and not those other places) people would probably be able to tell if they actually heard you speak.

The Inland North
The South
The Midland
North Central
The West
What American accent do you have?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

I saw this on a blog I read! Thanks Casey, it was fun:)


Today the girls had graduation at Pre-School(and if I wasn't an awful mother, I would have pictures:) Killi is now officially out of Pre-School and headed to kindergarten in the Fall. Maggie still has two more years at Kiddie Hawks, but she enjoyed graduation anyway. Killi's high school buddy, from her first year of Kiddie Hawks(3 years ago) became our babysitter, and it was her last year too as she is graduating form High School in 2 weeks! It was alot of fun for Lauren and Killi sharing this together as they have become very close over the past three years. Good thing about it though, Lauren's Mom was there for her(with her camera, not a crappy mom:) and she got pictures of the kids for me.

Now, summer has started for the girls and we have 2 weeks to wait for Declan, then 21/2 months of fun. Three weeks at the beach and lots of pool time, we are so excited!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Sad, But True...

I just flipped on the tv in the bedroom while I was getting dressed, the View was on, a show I rarely watch, but the story hit me today. During Hot Topics on the show they were talking about a the outrage of a mother(a famous one) that her 19yr old daughter was photographed in a bikini with a headline that said "Can't someone buy her a sarong, for our sake and hers". I saw the picture, and have o tell you that this young lady was very nice looking and I am sorry that she and her family had to see and read that. It did however bring the issue back to the forefront of my mind, "Body Image" is such a powerful thing. As I have mentioned her before, I am not thin and never have been. I do exercise regularly(most of the time) and am very happy with the way I look. I sometimes cut things out or more often cut back on sweets and such, but this is because I don't feel well, not to look a certain way. This issue is something that is very upsetting to me as I have 3 young children and don't want them to get caught up in it, and I know they will, but I hope they will learn from me that people DON'T look the same, but all are perfect!

A few weeks ago, my son told me that some of the kids in his class said I was FAT and he didn't want to tell me because he didn't want to upset me by telling me. I explained to him that I was not upset and that it was okay because people are all different and that's what makes life fun. He liked that answer and went to school and told the kids in school, who also accepted this explanation and moved on. What makes this story sad to me is that it was a kindergarten class and that me being "FAT" was bad or negative instead of just a fact. In our home looks are simply that, not judged in a positive or negative way. People are different and that's good.

I wish people felt better about themselves and were less concerned with how other people "think" they should be.

Monday, May 26, 2008

It's Not Easy, But It's Worth It...

I often wonder if, when I was dreaming about getting married and being a mom, I really knew what I was asking for. I know that the answer to this is NO. Before I continue, let me say that I would choose do nothing differently than I have. I LOVE my husband and my children more than anything in the world. That said, I was not fully aware of what it was to be a wife and mother. Sure, when I got married my named changed and I was often referred to as someone's wife, and I knew that was going to happen and I loved it. And I knew when my first child was born that I was now someone's mom, but I didn't get it. I didn't get that I was going to have to be the glue that held it all together. That when push came to shove, I was the one picking up the slack, that was my mom's job, wait now I was the mom:)

I thought things would be different for husband and I as we had been together for 12 years before Declan was born and it was alittle easier I think than what I heard my friends saying, but still after 3 kids in 3 1/2 years, Husband and I had drifted apart. We spent so much time apart husband traveled for work and when he was in town he left early and got in late(still does) and I was consumed with the daily errands of running a house with 3 kids. We didn't spend much time together(alone), there was always a kid around and something that needed to be done.

During this time many of my friends were having marriage issues, lots of separations, affairs and general discontent and I listened to their stories and thought I would never get there, I was wrong. When Maggie was about 1 1/2, I called my mom crying. Telling her I needed to leave. Husband and I had nothing in common and were growing apart and if it was like this now, what would it be like in 5,10 or 20 years. After she told me that she would help me with whatever I needed, she asked me how it was going to be better if I left. I didn't have an answer. Because I knew it wouldn't be. We would have to share the kids, I'd have to get a job and I would never see him. When one of my answers was that I would miss him, I knew the problem was not him or US, but more the change of our relationship as our family grew. We didn't understand what was happening or how to incorporate our marriage into our family. We were fine as MOM and DAD, but husband and wife we needed help with.

We talked about it(because as much as he dislikes it, we talk about EVERYTHING)and found ways to reconnect as husband and wife. Little things like having dinner together after the kids were in bed, getting a babysitter every once-in-awhile and even just watching tv together. Anytime we could spend together was good. It has been two years of really working on it, but we are doing a better job fitting our marriage into our family. As the kids get older, I find it easier to leave them with a sitter and someday, maybe I will leave them with my mom and go away with my husband:)

I am not sure how our story will end, but I know that it does take work to be married and kids don't make it easier. They are wonderful and they complete my life and I could not imagine life without them, but I didn't know how much they would change my marriage. I can sure see why there are so many kids from broken homes.

Fresh Air

For the past few years, I have not been able to open the windows in my house in the Spring or Summer because my Killi had very bad asthma(from a cold that hospitalized her at a week old) but alas she has grown out of it and the past week has seen our windows open and fresh air rushing in. Odd how something so small can make you so happy:) It makes me feel like I am outside even when I am inside doing housework. And I love waking up to the sound of my bird friends singing away.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Guitar Hero!

In January Husband and I broke down and bought a Wii(for the kids:) However, I did HAVE to have Guitar Hero. I played and played with all my free time and I was VERY bad when we first got it but I got better. Then I let my obsession pass(laundry pilled up too high:) so my guitar time lessened and I never did get off EASY, I couldn't beat LOU. Well, last week Declan decided he'd give it a whirl and within three days, he BEAT LOU! His video game skills are scary, and no I do not let him play all day(he has an hour limit a day). Husband and I are not video gamers so we are not sure where this talent comes from:) Husband is hopeful this skill will some day lead to some money:)

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Haven's Birthday Party!

Happy 8th Birthday Haven! I cannot believe that this the the 7th one I've been around for! The time has gone by so fast:)

Today, We went to Belvedere Plantation for strawberry picking for Haven's Birthday Party. We had a great time. All on the kids got along and everyone really seemed to enjoy themselves. Here are a few pictures of the day:


Ryan with the Littlest Monsters! Maggie and Grayson:)

Killi Picking Strawberries

Britt Picking Strawberries!

Declan Catching A Break!

Friday, May 23, 2008

A Big Day!

Today my son invited me to his classroom to see his award ceremony. As a former kindergarten teacher I knew that EVERYONE was going to receive an award, which was great! Of course being the perfect(STOP LAUGHING:) mother that I am, I told him I wouldn't miss it. The kids had prepared some songs to sing for us, they were very cute, and then it was time for the awards. They had awards for Math, Reading, Handwriting, Drama, Perseverance, Helpfulness and a few other things. To my amazement( and that of the entire family) My Son got the award for Reading!!! Yes, my son(one other girl as received this award) Who'd have thunk it! My baby with a READING AWARD! Husband and I were so very proud of him. This kid went into kindergarten only knowing 7 letters, now he is one of the 2 best readers in his class!!!


Thursday, May 22, 2008

Another One Down...

Okay, I have officially done it! All of the laundry in my house is clean, folded and put away. Now if I can only keep up with it until my mother comes next week. Staying in this week has sure helped me save money and get work done around the house. I have also on gas this week, I went over a week on my last tank:) Today was the last day of school for the girls so should save gas money there too. I guess I should move to the yard and weed that next. I feel good when I can be productive:) Soon I will crash and no more will get done:)


Yesterday in the mail I received magazine called GRUB STREET. It is Towson University's literary magazine. They publish it once a year and this year my wonderful, very talented and handsome cousin was the Editor-in-Chief(PETER NEALON). The magazine is a collection of short stories, drawings, poems and paintings done by students. I spent a good bit of time before bed reading through the magazine and Declan and I spent some more time before school looking through the pictures, it is really great. My cousin has a few pieces he wrote in there too and of course they are my favorite, but there are plenty of others that are worth reading. My favorite picture in the book is one titled SELF PORTRAIT by DAN TRADER, it is very cool. If you live anywhere in the Baltimore area or know some one that does, run over to Towson and get a copy of GRUB STREET.
Here it is, all painted!

It was alot more work than I thought it was going to be, but it is done and I love it! More color on the walls. With each room my husband moans alittle louder(he would be happy with all white:) Now, I need to repaint to hallway(same gold), our bathroom and the living room!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Painting Done!

I finally go the painting finished! And the room put back together! I can have my tv back, the kids can go back to their own room:) I have also gotten the laundry down to 1-2 loads and everything away except the girls clothes and I will do that in the morning. Next I will move on to the yard. I need to find someone to mow for me, it seems that our Lawn Mower Man has disappeared. I have lots of weeds to clean up as the rain has helped them grow too.

Tomorrow is the last day of school for the girls, I am soooo excited! Declan has an award ceremony at school on Friday, I can't wait to see what his award is for since there is no Guitar Hero at school:) Saturday, we will be off to Haven's Birthday Party to pick some strawberries, I can't wait, oh wait, the kids can't wait(of course it is about them:) The pool opens on Saturday but I am not sure it will ever be warm enough to swim this summer.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Another Rainy Day...

We woke up AGAIN this morning to rain, yes, more rain. It does not make getting out of bed easy, but I got up and got the kids dressed, fed and off to school. After that though, I came home and climbed back into bed for two hours:) I never do that unless I am sick, but today I felt like a sleep-in day and with rain and gray skies, what better to do than hop back in bed:)

At this point, all I can say good about the rain is that the kids look cute in their raincoats:)

Monday, May 19, 2008

A Long Day

Today was a long day; or yesterday was, since it never ended:) Of course I did not make it any better on myself by trying to play Wonder Woman and failing terribly. I ended up not being a very good mom or wife or friend. I was just too tired. Tomorrow I will have more patience and be more productive. I will stick with one project from start to finish instead of trying to do a hundred at once:) I am going to try and find a way to parent my girls with more understanding and love and less shortness and yelling. I will spend more time enjoying them and less time worrying about other things. Sometimes I need to remind myself how lucky I am to be a mother and wife, and concern myself less with other things. My kids are only little once and I do not want to wake up one day and wonder where the time went. So, tomorrow I will try again:)

After All, How can you not love These Two!!!

Ready To Go

I hate when you waste your time going to bed. You know the nights, you go into bed, have trouble falling asleep and when you finally do you are up at least once an hour, then(at some point) you just give up and get out of bed, that is the night I had last night! It happens to me every few weeks/months, I suffer from insomnia. The problem with this is that it is never at the same time my kids are not sleeping:( So, I sit here at 5:30am blogging, thinking about getting up to start my day- dishes, laundry, treadmill, I am so excited I don't know where to start:) As my luck goes, I will probably have to wake my kids up this morning:) Oh Well, I will go and be productive; dishes first, then laundry and the treadmill and a shower before getting the kids up for school. I need to move this morning as I am sure I will crash about 4pm:)

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Sunday Wrap-Up

We did not get all of the items on the list completed, but we did okay. All of the laundry did not get done and the painting is not done. No big deal though. We got alot done and husband and I can paint on night this week.

The girls are heading into their last week of school, I am so excited. I think the last day is Tuesday or Wednesday:) And Graduation is next Wednesday, then we are done until September. Declan has an award ceremony on Friday in his class and things are winding down there too. Early Release on Friday and Monday off and then only a few weeks left. Then a much needed and deserved week in OBX!

More Rain!!!

It rains here all the time! In the past two weeks we have had about 10 inches of rain. Everything is soaked and today after some more heavy rain and wind, part of out neighbors yard(trees and all) slid into the creek. It is no good. It is way to close to our property line for us to be comfortable. The lot next door was cleared a year ago and there was to be a house built, but to date, nothing has happened other than all the trees were torn down. With the trees gone our house has been exposed to damaging winds resulting in us needing a new roof. It has also caused run-off problems for the neighbors on the other side. It is not that we don't want a house built, but that we feel there is no reason for the lot to be sitting cleared and vacant for over a year. We have approached our HOA about the issues, but have not gotten far. Now, with the landslide, we are heading to the County tomorrow. I just don't understand why you would clear a lot to NOT build. Or why the HOA would let this happen. The bylaws state that you must submit building plans before clearing a lot, so what happened here?

Well, here are some pictures of the landslide:

Saturday, May 17, 2008

The List...

We made it through about half the list today, and will finish tomorrow. We got the beds apart and the room put back together. It looks good. I hope the girls sleep better now:) And, I did pick out paint for the playroom, so now it just needs to go on the wall. The laundry in getting washed, but folded and away is still waiting. Guinea pig cages are cleaned and moved!! One job completely off the list. Cleaners done; food store not, but we did make it to soccer. Oh, and Husband replaced the attic door and cut a slat for Killi's bed. Not so bad. Still stuff to do, but it's getting done:)

Friday, May 16, 2008

Just Another Day In Paradise...

Tomorrow WE need to get some stuff done around here. Top on the list, laundry, I just cannot seem to get ahead of this. Also on the list, taking the girls bunk beds apart, clean the guinea pig cages and moving them and Gus, plant flowers, get mulch, pick out paint and paint the playroom, a trip to the food store ,a stop at the cleaners, homework and soccer. I wonder how much will actually get done. What do you think? How much will the husband REALLY be willing to do? I can't wait to see:) I am betting, not ALL of this is going to get done:)

Thursday, May 15, 2008

One Down...

I did it. Yes, it is only one day, but you have to start somewhere. I walked on the treadmill this morning and it was great. I felt so good afterwards. Now all I need to do is keep at it:)

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Is It Too Late?

It is May 14th and I have to say, I have not used the first 5 1/2 months of the "new" year accomplishing any of my resolutions. Here they were on December 31, 2007, for all to see:

Personal Resolutions:
Get back on the treadmill
Make time for myself

Family Resolutions:
Spend more individual time with each member of my family
Cut money on "wants" by 50%

Professional Resolutions:
I will get my paper work submitted to sub and do it next school year.

I can tell you I have gotten NOWHERE!!! Not one done. I need to get back on track. The treadmill IS my friend and we need time together. And even if that is all the time I make for myself, I need to start there.

Onto the "spending"; not so go there either. I am not doing suck a hot job teaching the kids the difference between "wants" and "needs" and I really need to. If I don't do it how will they ever learn. I always make excuses as to why I deserve "it" but it really is time to have some self-control.

Professionally, I am doing ever so slightly better. I do have the forms for subbing and just need to fill them out, so I still have hope there:)

So, tomorrow is a new day and I will start fresh. I will reacquaint myself with my treadmill and I will get some money saving in(In fairness, we have not been eating out nearly as much:).Tomorrow is the first day in the rest of my life and I am going to make it a good one.

Last note, I saw on Nate's blog that they should be home as a family soon! I am so happy for all of them. Check out their story if you have time.


Alright, Alright, Alright! I have played this game long enough. My girls have not slept through the night in a very, very long time and today I have reached my breaking point. They are 3 and 5 and both used to be good sleepers; lately, not so much. Last night they were up from 1 am until 5:45 am and came in to "see" me at least once an hour. By 4:40am, not only were they both up, but they had woken Bumper and Butterball up too. They then decided(Bumper and Butterball) that they needed water and to eat(they were fed before bed:) So, at 4:40am I was changing Maggie's pull-up, getting Killi to the bathroom, and feeding the guinea pigs in hopes that they would all go to sleep for a few more hours. No luck. At 5:45am Ben's alarm went off and the girls were still making noise. Yes, they did go back to sleep and neither wanted to get up this morning. I had no choice but to get them up as I needed to get Declan to school, and boy did I pay for that. Two grumpy, grouchy, tired girls to spend the day with. Best part is that Killi has a 6:45pm soccer game tonight! I am trying to get them to nap, but it doesn't seem to be working. I may cry soon.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The Rain Stopped!

It is amazing the difference a sunny day can make in your life. When I woke up this morning at 7:56( we have to be out he door by 8), I was happy. I heard the birds chirping and singing and it made me happy. When I went to wake the girls, I could see the sun beaming through the blinds and I was happy. We rushed out the door(out by 8:07!!!)and still everyone was pleasant. I know it was the sunshine that caused this happiness. It is so nice to wake-up to sun instead of gray. It sets a positive tone for my day. I wish it would be sunny everyday. I would be happy to take the rain at night for my plants, but rain only during the day.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mean People Suck and Most of The Time They Are Ignorant...

I have been using this space more and more to voice MY opinions/concerns about things that are important to ME rather than just the light and fluffiness that fill my days. This is for no other reason than I have a lot going on in my mind right now and need a place to get it out and that was my original intent when I started this blog.

There are many things that I find incredible annoying. Among the most annoying is personal comments about someone else's appearance. People that make personal comments because I think that it shows your ignorance. If the best you can to is call someone "FAT", "UGLY" or "STUPID" for instance that really doesn't make you more than an imbecile. Someones personal appearance has little to do with what type of person they are and I think it is incredibly ignorant to assume because of someone's appearance they "are" something or that what YOU see is what everyone else sees. Sure, it's ok to think that someone is unattractive, but does that not just mean that they are not your type? You know the saying- One person's trash is another's treasure, well, that is how I feel on personal comments on appearance.

A Great Saturday!

Yesterday Ben and the kids took me to see this for Mother's Day! The kids were awesome. They sat and listened to music for 4 hours. They sang and danced, screamed and yelled, Killi even threw in some long horns for Brooks and Dunn:) The concert goers were great and very conscience of our children. Country Fans our very family friendly. It was a great afternoon/evening.

It took us a ridiculously long time to get out of Baltimore. They had no traffic control, and lots of bad drivers! That was okay though, it helped me continue my bad parenting for the week; the kids didn't eat dinner until 12:30am and then it was McDonalds:) Then it was 1:30am before they got to bed! What a Great Mom!

Friday, May 9, 2008

A Gift For Mom..

For Mother's Day I wanted to get my mom one of these:

Angel Trumpets
Angel Trumpet

But they are not easy to find and they are not cheap. I found one though and The Black Sheep and my BIL will get it to her. A group effort to make mom happy, let's hope she is:)

And if not, The Professor, Cutie Pie, Baby Doll and Queenie made her a photo album for Mother's Day. We know she'll love that, she loves anything from them:)

Thursday, May 8, 2008

You're Wrong- I Am A Good Mom

A few times over the past few days I have been told by people that I am not a very good mother. It has never been said straight out like, but with that meaning. I have been told that I will not win any parenting awards, told that my views should not be spoken to my kids(as they don't conform with the masses), and that Others would not handle temper tantrums the way I do. I have to tell you, I have had enough of it. I am an awesome mom. My kids are loved beyond measure. They are clean and fed; hugged and kissed; taken wonderful places; and most importantly Happy! I have taken all of the comments in stride until now and I have just reached my breaking point and I am done. I think people should stop worrying about how I am raising my kids and raise their own. Because so far my kids have not failed out of school or gotten pregnant at 15 and maybe they will, I am not sure. What I do know is that right now I am doing a good job and I love my kids more than life itself! So, stop worrying about my parenting and parent your own kids!

An Explanation

I would like to clear up any misunderstandings that have occurred due to my last post. First, without hesitation I say that the United States of America is the best country in the World! I would not choose to live or raise my kids anywhere else. I am very much a Patriot and a huge supporter of our government. That has nothing to do with why I think the Pledge of Allegiance is creepy to recite in a classroom. My problems lie in that I do not think that we should be pledging allegiance to a material object"the flag", and yes I understand that we are also doing so to the nation for which it stands, but none the less the Pledge is a little weird, but I will save the rest. Next, I think being a Patriot involves way more than Pledging allegiance, for instance, go out and vote. The average turnout for a presidential election is a little less than 60%, and we see this as good. I'd love to get a job where I could only do 60% of my work and still keep the job. Also, I think that people should choose to pledge allegiance. We should want people to want to be Americans and be proud of their Country, and forcing them through school to stand and repeat the Pledge of Allegiance does not make them understand why they should do or want to do it. Just as we do not allow people to vote until they are 18, we should not expect them to be able to pledge their allegiance until then either. When they can understand what or Nation stands for and want to be part of it, then they should pledge their allegiance to it.

I am sure many of you think that I am crazy and do not see why I care about The Pledge one way or the other and all I really the only explanation I can give is that somewhere along the way I have become a nonconformist. I do not think this is always a good quality to have, I have it and like it. I like to ask questions and have an answer before I do things or sign things or say things. It's just me, and I know not everyone likes it:)

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Almost Summer!

I have to say, I am ready for a break from this whole school thing. I have gone as long as I can with the rules and regulations. I am done. I'd like to know how long it takes them to come up with all their "rules", and if they spend half as much time teaching as they do making and reinforcing "rules" maybe we could get somewhere. Here are a few I really can't stand: 1. Girls, in elementary school(k-5), cannot wear sun dresses unless they have 3 fingers worth of material on the strap! Really! They are 10 and under, strap width matters? 2. Homework is insane and missing recess to do homework is even more ridiculous. Explain to me how it is that when my parents were in school, they went home for lunch and spent less time in school and did better on the SAT's, they also didn't have 3 hours of homework a night. When I was in school the day was not as long and the test scores were better. Not to mention the fact that there were 30 kids in a class with one teacher and not aide. How/Why is it that education is getting worse and worse? 3. The Pledge of Allegiance is creepy. 4. Could they give out anymore candy? Kids are over-weight so hell, let's take away their outside time and fill them with candy, Good Call.

So, I am ready for Summer Break:) My Rules, My Way, for 2 1/2 months!!! I can't wait!!!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Bad Songs and Obsessions

Yes, I have a lot to say tonight. Becca and I have become oddly obsessed with this song. It is not a good song and we do not like it, yet we listen every time it comes on the radio. The problem I have with the song is that it reminds me of the Budweiser jingles, you know the one's about So, Thank You Mr. Pizza Delivery Man(just an example). Anyhow, I am not a fan of this song although I am hopeful that the girl will put her Blue Jeans Back On and go home so that I never hear this song again!

Awesome Chiropractic Care...

Since January, I have been visiting a chiropractor regularly and I love it. Visits to Dr.Tom have become one of the highlights of my week. I enjoy going there for many reasons. First, my back feels better, feels good for the first time since having kids:) Second, Dr. Tom is from New Jersey, and that makes me happy. It makes me happy that I can talk and not have to explain what I am saying- i.e. I am going to the Food Store, he gets the Jersey speak. Next, I enjoy the friendly banter I have with him. It has been a while since I have had some one to pick on and not totally offend, well, I may offend him, but he never says so:) Anyway, I just wanted to share with everyone how great Dr. Tom is.

Going Commando!

Today, my lovely girls went to school with no undies on! Yes, you read that correctly, both of them commando! How/When did I learn of this you ask. The answer is when I got to school to pick them up and the teacher explained that while Killi was riding the sit-n-spin her teacher discovered her bare ass! With this discovery, she decided she would also check Maggie and bam- no undies there either:) Needless to say, I was very embarrassed and will forever check them before they leave the house again:)

Monday, May 5, 2008

Taking Back The Hate...

Ok, I don't hate him anymore. Never REALLY did, was just venting. I do have a husband that loves me and knows how hard I work. Sometimes he just works hard and forgets that I do too:) But after almost 18 years together; you're bound to have a few "imperfect" days!

Six Reasons I Hate My Husband Today...

1. He yells at me for things I have no control over- i.e. traffic

2. He actually used the phrase "I forbid you to..."

3. He cannot manage to do anything I ask him to at home(still waiting for painting to get done from a year ago and toilet to be fixed)

4. He thinks because he works outside the house he should be able to come home and do nothing to help me- i.e. help get the kids to bed

5. He has forgotten the phrase "Thank You" and when to use it( dinner does not fix or clean-up itself nor do clothes get themselves to and from the cleaners!)

6. He takes credit for things I do all the time and calls it his own!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

A Search For Answers...

I am not sure if I have ever mentioned here, but I am not very religious. Spiritual, yes but not at all religious. I have spent many, many years now searching for a religion that fits me and still nothing. I was raised Catholic; did the Catholic school and church thing, but once I was in high school I started really questioning my faith. I read all I can about Christianity a ton about Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism and anything else I can find. I read about the Falun Gong and Wicca. I have even been driven so far as to read Scientology books. I search anywhere I can to find some answers, but still none. I wonder if I will ever have a moment when I will find faith in a religion. I think it is unlikely since the more I search, the fewer answers I find. The more I talk to people, believers, the less I wish to belong. I know many people, including my husband, brother and sister, that are Christian and total followers of Christ, but when I question them about "their God" they don't have answers, just that believing is part of faith.

As a parent, this has been a really hot topic for me. My children were baptized(my husband is Episcopalian)but he does not attend church regularly and after attempting to go as a family for a few months, I quit going and so did they. I will not teach my children something I do not believe in and that I did not believe to be true. So, holidays come and the kids and I research the history of the holiday and enjoy them as time with family. I do not tell the kids what to believe(the girls went to Church with Ben at Christmas) but I do not pretend to believe in things either. When they ask me questions I answer honestly. I let them enjoy the magic of Santa(as I do not believe it is at all religious and is equal to the tooth fairy, it is childhood magic) and at Christmas we read stories about Baby Jesus. At Hanukkah, we light a menorah every night and read the history. I also talk about the winter solstice and karma. I am equal opportunity here. We talk about heaven and reincarnation. I would not be upset at all if my children choose a religion as they grow, and I hope they find one. But for now, I am bringing them along on my journey for answers.

Please feel free to share what you know with me or direct me to answers. I will not be offended by your comments and welcome any thoughts.

Let's Play Ball!

We had a wonderful time at the baseball game(and we never had to visit the play area:). The new ball park is very nice and the kids loved riding the metro. The weather could not have been any better and best of all,I remembered the sunscreen!!!

We did hit alittle traffic on the way home, but that is expected when you live in the most congested city in America:) Score one for the DC metro area, number 1 in something!!! We got home and ate some dinner, got the kids showered and into bed;now onto some homework.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Awesome Dinner

Husband and I ate the best dinner tonight. We had porterhouse steaks from our beef order with Roseda Beef(via-Miller's Farm) It was so good. We both about licked the bone clean. Even my steak, that was well done, was so tender it melted in your mouth. I could have used a butter knife to cut it. Thank You Bec for turning us onto good beef!

Bird Watching...

I got my roses today, three of them, one red, one peach and one white. And I got them in the ground, got my grapes in too(they have been waiting awhile:). I got my furniture out of the shed and even had a chance to sit in it and watch the birds for a bit with the kids. We had one of these making lots of noise as we watched.
Pictures of Redwinged Blackbirds

I think the redwinged blackbird has become one of our favorite birds.

Friday, May 2, 2008

It's Friday!!!

The weather was great here today which meant I was able to get some gardening in! That makes me happy:) My yard is coming along. We have baby birds in our bird house, and our goldfinches(George, Harry and Marvin)have returned for the third year now. I got a few flats of petunias and three Gerber daisies pots and got them in the ground. I would like to get a few rose bushes and a foxglove or two, some hanging baskets and be done for the summer.

I need to get to WalMart this weekend to pick up our supplies for our newest family member. I will post pictures when he moves in.(He is very small and fluffy and the kids and I are very excited:)

Ben has gotten us tickets for the baseball game on Sunday so we will be traveling into the city to check-out the new Nationals Ball Park(our seats are near the playground, we hope this will buy us time with the girls:)