Sunday, February 10, 2008

How long can you stand the heat...

A day from hell. Today was not a good day around here. I was very behind on my school work after my week in Florida(I let some school work go). Two of my classes ended today and the other had a midterm. In addition to that I had two papers a few homework assignments and some discussions to participate in. On top of all that I decided to make a turkey for Sunday dinner. The kids of course wanted attention and their father either could not or would not do it for them.

Oh well, the day is done. Homework and tests all taken.

In addition to all of this Megan is having a little more trouble than I thought she would have to being a mom. She calls a few times a day with questions about Gracie. Last nights was a stuffy nose, today a rash. Megan was not so sold on the idea of being a mom and now she is overwhelmed with the love and responsibility she feels for the baby. I know she will grow more confident, we've all been there(new moms), and we've all come through it(with nasty two year olds to show for it:)! Best I can do for her is answer the calls and questions she has like all my mom friends did for me:) Thanks Bec!

blog title: Queen; Another One Bites The Dust

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