Sunday, February 17, 2008

The Dentist!

Tomorrow I go for a root canal. I hate the dentist. It always hurts. Now it is 11:30pm and I cannot sleep. I am too nervous to sleep. I am sure it will be fine, but I still don't want to do it. I want the pain to go away, but I wish I could just wish it away. I do not like teeth at all. If I could I would spring for a fancy new set. A friend of mine just had a new set put in, it was about $20,000, for the whole thing. They look nice. He said it hurt, but so does this toothache and the dental work I keep needing done. I guess we will see what happens tomorrow. Think happy thoughts for me, please.

1 comment:

Tribe Mama said...

Even if you had 20K, you would never spend it on teeth :)