Monday, April 14, 2008


Here's the problem with kids and vacations; they don't go together. When you go on vacation with kids, everything gets messed up, sleep schedule, meal schedule, rules are altered, it is no good. You would think that by now I would understand this and stop trying to vacation with three kids(6,5,3) so often. We have been here sine Friday night(3 days, 3 nights)we are here until Saturday night(5 days, 5 nights) the kids are already exhausted and in tears. They haven't slept since we got here. They are fighting more than normal(who knew that was possible) and they have lost all of their manners! Boy, if I could convince the husband, I would come home tomorrow!

Maybe we will all sleep tonight and be less grumpy tomorrow(not likely:)


Tribe Mama said...

I will keep my fingers crossed they sleep!

Megan said...

Yeah Thats a NO on sleep. Really Em! Is that what your going with!