Friday, April 25, 2008


OMG- I think I might just loose my mind. I am not sure what happened, but since the week before we left for Florida I have been in a funk. I am completely indifferent towards everything and everyone. Nothing makes me happy, lots makes me unhappy. I am a total stress case about everything! I am in such a downward spiral that I cannot see the opening to get out. Spring is usually such a good time of year for me; what is wrong this year! I should be happy. I am almost finished with school, the kids are almost out for summer vacation, our trips are planned, things are good; only they are not:(

I had gotten myself into a very nice place not to long ago. A place where I was able to see how good my life is. See how much more fortunate than others I am. I am health, have a husband that loves me, three health and happy kids, so why do I feel so blue? Why am I having such a tough time seeing the good and enjoying the time I have with the people I have chosen to share it with. I have good people in my life right now, friend and family to spend time with and enjoy, how have I lost sight of that? Better question is how to I get it back?

I need to find a way to reconnect with myself and my family and friends. If anyone has suggestions, I am open to hearing them:)


Anonymous said...
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Megan said...

Really Em-
Your kidding right? I think you just need to re-read Nates blog to put your problems into perspective b/c you have a great life compared to alot of people around you....GET OVER IT!