Thursday, April 3, 2008

A Little Break...

A good night's sleep...when will I get that again? Between the husband(snoring and moving) the kids(all three, up and down) and the dog(why does he think I want to let him out at 2am!) add to that some family and friend drama and I fear I may never sleep again. Good thing my belief is that "Sleep in overrated:) Now, with no kids(they are all at school) I sit in my bed, with my breakfast, computer and tv and blow-off all the things I should be doing. Oh well, they will all still be there later, and heck, everyone deserves a little free time to indulge themselves, right? I am going to go relax, and if you see my mom, don't tell her I went back to bed this morning:)

1 comment:

Megan said...

I'm calling Ma right now and telling her what you did. Oh and please stop trying to make me feel bad about myself!!! FOR F_CKING REAL? Kidding...Right!