Monday, April 7, 2008

Maybe There Should Be a Parenting Test...

Okay, I don't profess to be "Mom of the Year" by any means, but this is a bad story. My sister has this friend, they had not seen each other for over ten years, but talk and email a few times a month. So, this girl and her "boyfriend", are visiting my sister this week. Here's the kicker, she(the friend) left her son(12) home/in the hospital with his father(who he has only known for about a year) with spleen issues and fluid in his lungs from an accident(fight) he had when he was visiting his father 2 weekends ago. So, to recap, mother left child with father who has been around for 1 of the 12 years of his life, in the hospital, to go on vacation because the plane tickets were non-refundable. Are you kidding me? KID IN THE HOSPITAL FOR OVER A WEEK, STILL THERE- MOM TRIP TO FLORIDA! WHAT DOESN'T FIT HERE?


Megan said...

What doesn't fit...You mean that's not ok. I thought that when you kid is in the hopital you should go on vacation. NO? Who knew! I hear ya!

Tribe Mama said...

Damn, I KNEW I was forgetting to do something when Gray was in the hospital. Stupid me hung out with him and made sure he was okay. I will get it right if any of the kids end up hospitalized again!