Friday, April 4, 2008

Friday is Here...

The big class trip was today. We had a nice enough time, but it was a very long bus ride for 5 and 6 year olds(about an hour) then we only had about 2 hours to spend at the museum and there was a little class and lunch that needed to get done in that two hours; but we did have fun. The kids saw dinosaurs, and climb a tree, played in some water and picked apples, I think they had a good time. For them the bus ride was just as much fun as the museum itself, you know big bus with a bathroom, and no seat belts, a regular dream come true:) We got back to school about a half hour before school let out and I was able to take Declan then so we got home early!

Here's Declan with a new friend, they met at the museum:)

Tomorrow may bring our first soccer games, but it is supposed to rain so if it's a go I'll take pictures; otherwise we may try a trip to the movies, although Ben and the girls did that today:)

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