Sunday, November 16, 2008

Seriously !

I am sick again. It started with a cough last week and now I have a fever and am having to use my inhaler because I am wheezing. I don't want to go to the doctor until Tuesday because I don't think I am quit sick enough for an antibiotic yet, but we are leaving for NC on Saturday so I need to be on the mend by Thursday. I would do nothing and chalk it up to a cold, but last year I got pneumonia in November and it too a very long time to get rid of it. In fact, I have had it the past two winters. Damn these kids! My first experience with pneumonia was while I was teaching, once I left to have my kids I was pneumonia free until the kids started school! My immune system is weak and they are gross, gremy, beings(kids that is:)and they come home from that germ field(a.k.a. school) and what to hug and kiss me and then, BAM! I am sick!

I am starting to wonder if it is a plot on their part to keep me down because I am much more easy-going when I am sick. They get more TV, more snacks, quick dinners, and they get to buy lunch at school. So maybe it is all a plan they have plotted:)

Anyway, I am hoping to be better before the trip so I can give Baby Gracie hugs and kisses without making her sick!

1 comment:

unschoolingsupermom said...

SEE! Another reason why I dont send mine to school. It is a germ party waiting to happen..also we can travel whenever we want without worrying about schedules (other than work of course).