Monday, November 10, 2008

Good Day Gone Driving

What a busy afternoon I had. My morning started well enough the kids all got off to school and I sat down to do some school work before I headed off to the kids school to volunteer. I never did the school work, instead I watched a show I had on tivo. That was okay though, I deserve 40 min of tv, right?

So, out the door I went at 11 am, showered, dressed and ready to go. I ran to Rite Aid and Dr Tom, grabbed a drink and I was off to school. The front desk was busy this morning, so the time went by quickly. When it was time to leave, I did not moved very fast out the door, but that's okay.

Then I was off to get my littlest monster and a friend's son, who were hanging out with Becca(who agreed to take them because she does nothing but eat bon-bons all day:)However, the children did not want to leave, so I did and left them there, and decided to pick them up after I retrieved the other two from school. That plan was fine until, I had to drop a kid off in my neighborhood before I could fetch the little ones and Declan decided that his throat still hurt. So, the plan was changed.

I picked the kids up, drop the extra off, ran across town to get the little ones, ran the extra home, got the doctor on the phone who wanted to see Declan and Maggie ASAP, so I ran Back across town for the fourth time in the span of two hours. It was not good. I picked the kids up from school at 3:30 and didn't make it to the doctor until 5:00 and I never left the car, just drove across town- back and forth, Loads of fun was had! All I can say is that I am glad gas prices have dropped:)

Good we went to the doctor though. Declan and Maggie have Strep. Yes, that is right, we are again infected! I am not finding this funny at all. Husband met me at CVS and he got the medicine so that I could run the kids to Dr Tom and then home to get dinner made. Because of course, McDonalds would not due tonight, they wanted homemade Mac-n-Cheese. And being the perfect mother that I am(stop laughing:), I came home and made it for them. I am happy to say they all ate so it was worth it, well almost:)

Now I sit here at 9pm, Killi and Declan are still up and I am tired, but they are all off tomorrow so we can have a slow day. Hopefully the rest will heal them. I cannot have sick kids for NC, so the best get moving on the health front:)


Tribe Mama said...

I am sorry they are sick again, maybe they are getting it out of their systems before NC.

The only issue with having so many kids is that then THEY want my bon bons!

A Jersey Girl said...

HAHA! Next time I will send them with their own bon-bons:)

I hope we are ending our sickness run here!

Ree said...

Wow--what a day!! Hope all feel better soon!