Sunday, November 30, 2008

Humor Me For a Minute

I would like to share just why I love the Holiday Season so much. It has little to do with celebration of Christ's birth(because any educated person knows that December 25th was picked simply to coincide with pagan holidays) or the Feast of St. Nicholas(although it is a great story he has and I do love presents:)or the Winter Solstice(because there is nothing good about the shortest day of the year) Nope, for me it is all about the LIGHTS!

Anyone that knows my knows that I am CRAZY for holiday lights! I have lights for St. Patrick's Day, Valentine's Day, Easter, Halloween so you can just imagine what I get to do for Christmas! I have blow-ups and reindeer, a nativity and penguins, lights on the trees and garland on the porch, snowmen lining the walk and candy canes lining the driveway! I cannot express to you how excited I get just driving around looking at decorations and gosh, if there is a light display within a few hours, I am so there:)

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the holidays for the family and the food, I am even looking forward to mass on Christmas Eve, but nothing in the world beats those Holiday Lights for me:)

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