Thursday, June 5, 2008

Pissed Off!

Alright, I am pissed off and grouchy, and people annoy me. I am a VERY open person and I know that this often invites people to give their opinions, but STOP! I don't want to hear them anymore. Further more, I a pretty sure that if one more person does give me their "take" on something I am doing, I gonna bite their head off(and please remember that I was born and raised in Jersey, and I am mean as hell and LOVE confrontation:) Another thing, I am usually a pretty good sport when I am "picked" on. I am the first to laugh at myself, but enough already! I have been the "butt" of far too many jokes lately. It may be that I am being a little too sensitive, enough is enough.

So, to all of you at there that see or talk to me regularly, tread softly as I may bite or just STAY AWAY!


Megan said...

I understand I will stay clear of you but remember Jersey Girlz are punks and here at the 954 we beat biatches up for talking junk!

A Jersey Girl said...

HAHA! I hate to tell ya, but you too are from Jersey as are most of your other 954 Chicks:)

Anonymous said...

Try some chocolate. It always works for me. ;)

Tribe Mama said...

I know what works, having a friend offer a trip to get a pedicure, getting her husband to watch the kids, grabbing a slurpee and bugles and having fun. Did it cheer you up??

A Jersey Girl said...

Yes, I do feel a wee bit better:)