Friday, December 12, 2008

What A Day!

Goodness, what a VERY Long and Crazy day. I am finally, as of 10 min. ago, sitting done for the first time since 8am! I drop all the monsters at school, realized I lost my cell phone, which I still cannot find:( showered, yelled orders at Becca(thank you:) about random kids and my plans for the day, worked in Declan's room, sat at the front desk, ran to the car to call Becca and see if the plan had changed, with the extra random kids I dumped on her, took Killi to lunch and then the doctor, finally got to Becca's to grab the extras from her and check my messages, left Killi at Becca's, ran with Maggie +1 to school to drop off + 1 with his mom and pick up Declan + another one, then I drop Declan with Husband for a haircut, drop off the other + 1, came home with Maggie, tore my car and house apart looking for phone(never found, house a mess:) Took Maggie to pick up Killi at Becca's where we scored an awesome home-cooked meal, off to Michaels for some quick shopping then finally home!

I am tired! It was a long day on the end of one LONG week. As a positive though, the sun did try to come out and the moon looks perfect tonight, I hope that's a sign for a sunny tomorrow:) Cold, but sunny I think.

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