Saturday, December 6, 2008

Out Of Practice

After a very long day of cleaning, reorganizing and decorating, Husband and I decided we would head to church with three very tired grouchy kids who are "out of practice" when it comes to behaving at church:) Well, I imagine you know how it went. First, it was snowing and cold. Second, Maggie fell asleep in the car on the way up so she was delightful when we arrived. Third, church was packed and hot! And the killer- the sermon lasted 15min. After 15min, not only had my kids lost it, but every other kid and a good number of adults. I spent the entire mass asking the monsters to behave or picking Maggie off the floor or making Killi stop biting her nails. Oh it was not good. I guess we need to get back into the swing of things and make it to church more regularly.

1 comment:

Megan said...

Or get dressed in your Sunday best and all head over to the couch and watch the sermon there! It nice to be able to go to church and never leave the house!