Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Today was a tough day for me as a mom. I was not at my best. I was tired and did not want to get out of bed, but I did. And I went to Declan's school, and took the girls to lunch. Came home folded clothes, did dishes, vacuumed, make dinner, did homework, cleaned up dinner, make lunches, put the kids to bed, and this was a light day. Maggie is really testing my patience. She is up my ass all day long. She will not give me 5 minutes to go to the bathroom alone, I really want to cry or run away. On one hand, as a mom, I feel good that she loves and depends on me more than anyone else in the world;on the other, I am tired and could use a trip to the bathroom alone.

I do love her, as I do the other two and know how lucky I am to have them. Tomorrow I will have more patience.(I can hope anyway:))

1 comment:

Tribe Mama said...

Rainbows make people happy...even though they are a rare occurance. Much like a good day with kids :)