Monday, November 12, 2007


I often feel as a mother that I am constantly being judged. The worst judgment I feel comes from other mothers. There is the fight with working moms over who does more and who's day is harder. Then there is the envy towards me because I don't "work" all day, which is just insane because I do work, and they should know because they pay someone to do what I do all day. There are the mothers that have older children that like to share with you how their little one would NEVER throw a fit like that in line at the food store and get away with it; while the mom in front of you is telling the cashier that she can't believe anyone would talk to their children that way. But, my favorite is the fighting between stay-at-home moms. I have never met a group of people that were more ridged. To do something a different way than them, you might as well be chopping your kids hand off. And they will give you their opinion whether you want it or not.

What I have learned through my time as a stay-at-home mom is that these are some of the most insecure people I've ever met. I am sure it is because they have so much riding on them making the right decision, but we all want to do that. And the only absolute there is in parenting is that nobody does it the same way. It is as individual as finger prints, because that is what you are putting on your children, YOUR FINGER PRINTS. So, what I want to know is why can't moms respect that we are all doing the best we can for our family?

1 comment:

Tribe Mama said...

Well, I would respect you except that you are a slacker and I am the queen mom.

Really, Ryan just "talked" to me about everything i do wrong as a mom. Maybe husbands should be added to the too critical list, especially since they can't do the job themselves.