Wednesday, November 7, 2007


Every so often I get a moment to look at my life instead of living it. This happened to me the other day while driving in my suburban, with my friend and our 6 children(7 and under). I turned to her and asked, "Do you ever wonder how we got here?" She looked at me, with an expression I hoped was insight, and answered simply, "NO". We then shared what we had seen for ourselves as children, and teenagers, and twenty-somethings, and oddly, neither of us is "exactly" where we'd imagined (ok, maybe we are alittle further away from it than "exactly", like not even close:). We both love are children, husbands and lives, but I just think that life has a way of taking you on an unpaved road. And it's hard and it's fun and I wouldn't change it; but my goodness,if someone could just tell you that you should bring a pillow along to sit on as there is some serious off roadin'
ahead, that would be great!

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