Sunday, December 30, 2007


I often wonder if everyone has secrets, I think to some extend their is always something we hold back from every relationship, but how much? I think for some their secret is more a "just-don't-share" than a something they hide, but that is still a secret. So, how much do we rally not know about each other? How much would our lives change if we shared all of ourselves with someone? I guess for religious people they have a higher power that knows all of them, maybe that is what I am searching for; Someone to share myself with completely, with no feeling of judgment.

I will keep searching, and until then I will keep my secrets:)


Tribe Mama said...

I don't know of any secrets I have kept from you, but I would guess there are things that have just never come up in conversation. That being said, if they came up, I would tell you :)

A Jersey Girl said...

You are so sharing and honest, someday I will be as good as you:)

Tribe Mama said...

Well, you may not be as good, but you may come close. Remember I judge, so be careful what you tell me!