Saturday, February 7, 2009


That's what I am. Yesterday I had a meeting at the kids school with Killian's primary teacher, her special ed teacher and the speech pathologist. The meeting was held at their request and going into it I was nervous and concerned; it turns out that their was good reason.

Since Killi was 2 1/2, I have been concerned about her development and have been actively searching for support from the county. Each and every time I was told that she is going to "grow-out" of her issues or that she would get more support as she got older. Each time she was evaluated, she fell well below average, but not far enough to qualify for services. The bottom line given to me was wait until she get to Kindergarten. That is where we are now and since September I have met with her teachers no less than 4 times and been given positive feed back.

Here we are now. It is the second week of February and now I am being told that my child should be retained next year. Seriously? Why when I was in in December was I not told about this? Why have I been told over and over how well she is doing? Wait, because it doesn't end there, not only do they want to retain her, but she also needs speech! WTF!!!

Please understand that the anger and frustration I am feeling is not because I don't think she has issues, but the opposite, that I have been told for the past 3+ years that everything was fine or would be fine. I was told this through a meeting in December with her teachers!!! Now we have issues and we are talking about retaining her? People, if I could express here how annoyed I am I would, but there is no button for "big red splash" across the page!

So, next week I will start on a different path. I have a list and I am ready to go! This maybe the most difficult and frustrating battle of my life, but I am up for it and I will get my baby what she needs!


1 comment:

Ree said...

You go girl!!
Seriously, I will pray that all works out!!