Monday, September 22, 2008

Unhappy Hubby!

Husband is having a rough go of it! He is feeling under-appreciated and just fed-up. Soccer practice didn't go well as we only had 5 kids and 1 of them(Declan) was not well behaved. So, Husband left practice angry and headed home. There he was left over tension from our meeting with the school this morning, where he felt I did not approach the situation the right way. On top of that he is tired and wants some time alone with me(awful husband I know:) He has been working alot of hours and going in early most morning to get home to coach soccer(where Declan is being an ass) or so we can have dinner as a family and he can see the kids before bed. I am sure it is hard for him and I know how tired he is, and most days I do love him:)

1 comment:

Tribe Mama said...

Ah, tell him to suck it up and shake it off :)

Thanks for grabbing Britt yesterday!