Sunday, September 14, 2008

Family Fun!

We had a great weekend, mostly. Friday night my mom, sister and queenie arrived, on time, which is very unusual for that flight:) By the time we got home from the airport and to bed it was after midnight, so we had 4 tired babies in the morning and soccer pictures and a game starting at 9am. After the game my aunt and uncle were waiting at our house for us, they drove down from NJ that morning to meet the baby and she my mom and sister(they were also happy to visit us:) We all went to lunch, except Husband who was on hold with the Allstate(long story). After lunch my mom and her sister took the kids on a walk, and it was VERY HOT and they all came home very dirty(a sign of a good time)

In the afternoon, we got a phone call that my brother and Kelly got engaged! We were all very happy for them and happy to welcome Kelly and Angie into our family!

After the kids went to bed we played a game of Trivial Pursuit 80's and Husband and I won, but my aunt and uncle may have let us:) Sunday we all went to Bob Evans and then my aunt and uncle left and my mom weeded(because she is awesome) and they she and Megan cleaned and organized my kitchen and boy is it clean & neat:) Other than that we mostly just hung out. Here are a few pictures of the girls watching football with Gus:

1 comment:

Megan said...

We had a blast! Thanks for having us! I wish our stay was longer. I already miss you guys. the only bad thing was that I had Ma as my partner!!! Next time I will take Ben thank you very much!