Friday, June 19, 2009

Better Days!

After a rocky start the first day, summer vacation has been much better the last two days! We have spent countless hours at the pool and what very few hours were left in the day we fit in packing, sleeping and an ice cream trip with friends!

This year at the pool is a bit different than the 4 previous summers. In years past I have sat mostly alone talking only in passing with people I knew only from the pool. I knew almost nobody's name and I was okay with that. I would sit and watch the kids play and the hours would pass. Not this year! Now that the kids are in the neighborhood school, we know EVERYONE and moreover, everyone knows us! I thought it would be good to join the PTO, which brought me lots more friends(?).

Don't get me wrong, it has been a good thing. It is just a bizarre experience to go from a Nobody to this:) Me with friends is such a novel concept:)

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