Monday, May 11, 2009


Killian has a friend, a very BEST friend and his name is Sam. Killian and Sam spent a few months a couple years ago at preschool together, but she never really talked about him until...September came and Killian walked into kindergarten and there was Sam!!! When I picked Killian up that first day of school, she was so excited to tell me that Sam from preschool was in her class!

In the months that passed Killian and Sam began spending more and more time together. Always asking about the other and checking on one another. And if one of them was absent, the other was begging to call and find out why.

I watch them play together and see that the connection they have is not about "playing together", it is about a comfort they find in each other. You see, Killian and Sam both have some "issues" that make socializing difficult/exhausting/boring, and while their "issues" are very different, they see none of them when they are together. They find comfort in being in a room together. One of them could be building blocks and the other playdough, but they are happy just being together.

It makes me happy that Killian and Sam have found each other. And I am glad that in that process I have also made a friend!

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