Monday, November 16, 2009

Report Cards

I am going to make this post against my better judgment. See, my judgment is not nearly has strong a my NEED to express my self:)

Today I went for parent-teacher conferences for Declan and Killi and also got their report cards. My first meeting was with Declan's teacher. We talked a little and went over how Declan was doing in school and how he scored on some testing. Then came the report card. In our school, kids receive number grades from 1-4; 1=below level, 2= working towards level, 3=meets standards and 4=exceeds expectations. So, Declan's teacher explains to me that they are being graded on what they are expected to know by the end of the year.Interesting. I am told that at this point most kids receive 1 & 2's in the first quarter, 2 & 3's in the second and third and mostly 3's in the forth, 4's are VERY hard to get and getting a 3 means that they have met the grade level requirements for the year. This system seems insane to me and I am not really sure I understand how my kid is progressing. Declan got mostly 2+ and 3's, with a few 2's thrown in. I am assured that this is a report card to be proud of. Really? I am not so much happy. Because either my kid is not doing very well or it is November and my kid has met half the standards for the year and is well on his way in the rest. I am not sure I like or understand the 2nd grade system of grading.

Then onto Killi who was graded on the same number scale, but for the work she has been taught since school started. This I understood. She also got 2's and 3's. She is working her tail off and we could not be more proud of her! Her teacher ROCKS and goes so above and beyond for my child(I don't think it is just for mine though:). She is moving forward and that is what we are hoping for!

In all, I was happy with my conferences. My kids have the best teachers for them this year and it is so nice. It doesn't hurt that I personally like both teachers too:) I hope that the rest of the school year goes just as well!

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