Saturday, August 29, 2009


Yes, I am aware that September is not here yet, but Christmas is both my favorite and least favorite time of the year. This year I am making a change and this change is going to make Christmas my favorite time of the year with no exceptions!

My opposition to Christmas for many years has been the complete commercialization of the holiday. Despite my best efforts, the monsters see Christmas as a time to "get stuff". This is not what I want Christmas to be about in our home. I want it to be about family and fun and LOTS of decorations! For months now, I have been cutting-back on what I buy the monsters and Ben and I have been making them "earn" things. I have also been preparing them for the fact that Christmas will be VERY small as gifts are not what it is about! I hope they start understanding that.

Honestly, it is not just about Christmas, but life in general at our house. We are a very fortunate family. Are basic needs are met with many, many extras thrown in. I am feeling that it is time that we realize how good we have it and what is really important. To me, spending time together is important! Because soon enough the monsters will be out in the world and our time together will lessen. I want to enjoy NOW!

I hope my Christmas plans go well and I can get the family to enjoy the family side of the holiday!

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