Monday, October 6, 2008


Maybe my time management skills are not as good as I once thought. I may have to cave and get on a schedule and more importantly, stick to it. With three kids in school, a husband that works alot of hours(and commutes more:),a household to manage, volunteering for everything under the moon and a Master's program I am running out of hours in the day before it all gets done. I am not complaining about what is on my plate, because I am enjoying it all, I am just realizing that I need a schedule so that I can complete it all and most importantly give 100% when I do.

We have been doing much better with our new bedtime routine and the kids have had a shower EVERY SCHOOL night before bed(this is a big deal because it used to get pushed til morning alot:) I have done that! And the morning is going pretty well too. Now I need to get the rest of the day in order. M,W,F mornings Maggie is at school. Mondays I have gotten good about running my errands. And Friday I am at school in the am volunteering. T,TH Maggie and I don't need to leave the house until 3pm to get the kids, so I need to get a schedule for those days. House cleaning, school and such. I guess I shouldn't be so hard on myself though, I has taken me a few years to get a bedtime routine down:)


Tribe Mama said...

You are doing great! It is all one big ongoing adjustment :)

Megan said...

Now your talking! I'm glad you have come to your senses and realized order is BEST!There is a place for everything and everything in its place even your schedule! You are going to be much happier. I always knew I KNOW BEST! :)