I need a nautical map, I have a feeling we are headed straight for the rocks! I am just going to admit it, I am not having an easy-go at it with this whole parenting thing. I feel like we take two steps forward and three back! I am frustrated and confused. I am at the point of asking my husband for parenting advice and assistance, for the first time.
Nothing seems to be working. I push, they push harder, why do they not pull anymore? What happened? I am not sure who thought it was a good idea to let them have opinions of their own and three different thoughts at that! This is insane! I want to change my parenting style now...I want to go with the philosophy that children should be seen and not heard! What was I thinking trying to raise vocal independent thinkers? Being open and honest is starting to haunt me now! How was I to know that at 8,7 & 5 they would have learned to speak up and out! Okay, I admit it, it was me! I did this! I made my bed!!! Now I want them out of it!LOL!
Well, tomorrow I will have to work on braking their spirit, once I get done with that maybe I can build them up again as little robots, brain-washed little followers;-)
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