Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Oh The Things I haven't Done...

-pictures are not being taken of the monsters

-after starting strong, lunches are not being made for school

-the budget has not been followed in a few weeks

-routines are not so strict

-never enough time for friends

-bathrooms are not cleaned enough

-not enough time spent on my marriage

-not patience enough with the monsters

-no walking on the treadmill

There are a few things I have done...

-hug and kiss my kids(too often if you ask them:)

-cut back on fast food

-work on not being crazy

-try to deal with less drama

-planned a trip to FL for Christmas

-worked out a budget(that I cannot:)

I know that my life is a struggle for me and that I try to do my best for myself and my family. I know that I can often do better, and I will. I am sure I will also do worse.

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