Wednesday, July 23, 2008

A Sticky, Red Mess!

You know those days when you just feel, blah? And you are just counting the hours until bedtime. And your husband cannot walk in the door soon enough. I am having one today. Things were going along though. I was even going to make dinner(which I usually skip when in these moods). Anyway, I pulled it together and was gathering my ingredients for my "bacon-cheeseburger meatloaf" I opened the refrigerator door to be met by a shelf full of grenadine! Yes a wonderful, sticky, entire shelf full of grenadine.

However, to my own amazement, I did not freak-out, I did not cry, I continued making my meatloaf, put it in the oven and very calmly cleaned out the refrigerator. I was pretty proud of myself for staying calm. And when it was all cleaned up, I realized that it would have been a very silly thing to get all worked up over. It was done and I was going to have to clean it up, so I did and then I moved on.

Now, I just need to react to everything that way and my stress-level will decrease ten fold:)


Ree said...

If only it was that EASY!! These days it's ALMOST impossible!!

Tribe Mama said...

Good for you!

Sometimes controlling the situation makes it more manageable.