Saturday, June 14, 2008

Happy Father's Day

This post is to my wonderful husband!

I am so happy to have you as my partner in life. There is nobody in the world I would rather spend my life with. As it is Father's Day, I would like to share with you how incredibly proud I am of the father you have become. I remember when I was pregnant with Declan, how scared you were to be a father. And after his birth you barely touched him for fear you'd break him(and I wouldn't let you:) With the birth of Killi you became a bit braver and may have even fed her once or twice:) And once Maggie came along you became a pro and changed a diaper or two:) And now with a 6,5&3 year old you take them out alone go to movies and even travel with 2 of them alone on weekend trips. Your confidence as a father grows everyday and you are so good with them. Seeing them wait at the door for you after work makes me so happy. Their excitement to see you reinforces how much they love you and how big a part of their life you are. Making it to all their games and school events. Trying so hard to balance work and home and always putting them first, even when you have to go into work at 5am to do it. Thank you for being the father of my children.

You are a great dad! And You have worked and continue to work harder than any father I know to be the best Dad you can. The kids and I are so very lucky to have you in our lives.

Thank You. I love You. Happy Father's Dad!


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