Wednesday, June 10, 2009


This morning we had very bad Thunderstorms, again! We have had the a lot lately. Anyway, due to the storms and a very late night, with little sleep, the kids did not make it to school. Yes, I am an incredible slacker! There is only 5 days left and I am a slacker! I just felt so awful this morning that I could not bring myself to get showered and dressed to walk them into school, as we were late because the alarm didn't go off because of the storm. So, they were home and I was i pain. I went back to the doctor this afternoon and I am still in pain.

Moving on, tomorrow(really later today)Killian is receiving an award at school! She is so excited! She has been waiting all year! We do not know what it is for yet, but we are excited! She got her grandmother to buy her a new dress for award day! I will post pics of the dress and award later today!

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