Sunday, May 31, 2009


We are down to the wire here! Only 12 more days of school left!!! I am very ready for Summer Vacation to start! While the time seems to be flying, this school year has been a long one for us as a family. A new school for Declan, sorting through what is best for Killi and volunteering has all be new! We have learned alot and hopefully we can take that into next year and make it more productive! It is getting harder and next year with a 1st and 2nd grader, it will not be easier.

When the kids were younger, and I had 3 in 3 1/2 years, I thought things were tough, but they weren't really. Yes, there was the lack of sleep from having babies and the physically demanding aspects of carrying them and changing them and entertaining them, and all the was difficult at the time, but as the get older I see the challenges to not lessen but change. Helping them become good and honest people with their own beliefs and opinions, and good friends and hard workers. To believe in themselves and help others. These parenting moments are not as easy as I hoped:) I love it none-the-less. I just hope I don't mess up too much along the way:)

12 more school days left until summer vacation!!!!

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