Sunday, April 12, 2009


Today was Easter. Ya know what that meant here? Um...NOTHING. Why you ask? The answer is because I am random a bizarre to say the least:) This one of the only Easters we have spent at home so we have no real traditions. And it is not just for Easter, Christmas, Thanksgiving and birthdays also follow no rhyme or reason, it's whatever we are in the mood for at the time.

I sometimes wonder what issues this will cause long term for the monsters. Will they not attach to people or traditions because of it? Or(and this is the one I go with) will they be so easy going that every and any experience will be embraced and enjoyed? I am sure that with three of them, one will end up nutty and blame me and my lack of tradition, so I am doing them a favor:)

Anyway, Easter here consisted of the kids getting up and tearing through their baskets. Then the searched for eggs and ate some candy. They played outside, or so I think, I heard the door open and close 100 times as I slept all day on the couch:) Easter dinner was hamburgers that Ben cooked with chips and carrots! Now, if that's not Traditional Easter, what is? They are still waiting to color eggs! Maybe tomorrow and for sure sometime this week:)


In other news, I forgot to mention that Killi decided that she needed her hair cut-off! So, as it is only hair, I obliged. On Friday night I took her and she had it cut. I have pictures of her SHORT, Pink hair, but they will have to wait until tomorrow. Yes, I did say pink. She decided it needed to be pink again and as her father explained to her,"Oh, mommy said you could color your hair pink? I am not surprised, she has issues with age-appropriateness." So now she has Short, Pink Hair and he is not excited, but she is:)

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