Friday, August 29, 2008

Playing Tired!

We went our to a friends house for a few hours this afternoon. It is always amazing to me how much noise and destruction can come from 6 children. Especially when they are new friends and not used to playing together. Everything is so new and they have a need to touch every toy in the house. And on the other side the host children always want to show-off all their toys and pets and games and whatever else can be dragged out. It was fun, and the kids had a good time(they found the M&M bowl and ate then ALL). There were few fights and everyone was sad to go so I think that can be called a good outing all around.

I was not sure we were going to make it today as the monster didn't sleep much last night, nor did the mother, which you can imagine makes for happy folks around here. But, they were fine and I did ask them to lay down for a few minutes when we got home in hopes that dinner could be manageable.

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