Monday, April 7, 2008

Rain and Inspiration...

It is still raining:( Seems that it does that everyday lately. I would be alright with the rain if it would stop and let some sunshine though for an hour or two each day. This weather does nothing to get me moving. I need to get in a shower and go see Dr. Tom, run to WalMart, and get Killi at school. I am hoping(not out loud) that Declan's soccer practice is canceled due to the rain.

Hopefully our new car will be in today and I can go pick it up:)

Some really cool news on Nate's Blog, Tricia is up and walking and breathing on her own! That is so amazing to me! Their story truly inspires me everyday. Keep it up Tricia and Gwyneth and hang in there Nate! Hopefully you'll all be home together soon:)