Tuesday, March 11, 2008

For Tricia...

Hey, if you haven't checked out Nate's blog link on my page yet here is the link http://cfhusband.blogspot.com/. It is one of the best parts of my day, checking in with them to see how their family is doing that day(Yes, I am one of their online stalkers:) If you ever doubt the idea of miracle, this will make you believe.

For Tricia:

* watching your baby splash in the tub(and having to clean up the mess)

* holding her in your lap while you read her that favorite book for the 15th time in a row

* hearing her call out for you in the middle of the night

* holding her and having a stranger come up and tell you have beautiful your baby is after she's had you up all night

* the sloppy, wet, drooling kiss babies give(one of the best kisses in life)

* watching her eat her first piece of birthday cake

* changing your clothes and hers after she sneezes all over both of you while eating orange or green baby food

* watching her little legs take their first steps

* hearing her first word/sound(which is always dada) and just wishing it had been mama:)

* just knowing the true meaning of unconditional love

Good Luck Tricia! You and your family are never far from my thoughts.