Friday, December 7, 2007


Let me update everyone, there is alot to say, but I will share only a bit now. First, the baby is still sick. We are on day number 4, and I am so done. She has been in bed with us every night which has not made for good sleep. She sleeps for about 2 hours from about 10pm-2am then is up and down for the rest of the night. It is no good. This morning, Killi decided to join the party and get up at 4am with a fever and throwing up, it was awesome. A fun party we were having in our bed. Everyone is home from school today and resting, I am hoping tomorrow brings us some good health and sleep:)

1 comment:

Tribe Mama said...

Glad to see you had a free moment to post. Hope the dishwasher is in and that the kids feel better soon, I feel so bad that I cannot do more to help you, I know how much this sucks!